Piper Accustream

The on-farm Direct Loading system that gives Producers accurate weights and representative sampling. 

Cutting edge technology delivering best in class  Direct Loading and efficiency data to forward thinking Producers. 

AccuStream tackles the 5 main issues affecting milk producers today

Truely Accurate Samples Every time

1. Bad Samples

Farmers are constantly losing sleep when it comes to sample quality. Most systems only take samples at the beginning of the load.

Our Solution | Variable speed Sampling

If you’re not using a variable speed sampler, you’re not getting a fully representative sample. It’s as simple as that. Piper Data shows us that flow rates vary by up to ten times in under two minutes. Piper Sampling Technology matches your milk flow to make sure every sample is fully representative of your milk quality.

More accurate Milk Weights

2. Milk Weights

With poor meter reading or inaccurate weighing scales, many farmers struggle to obtain accurate milk weights on their loads.

Our Solution | Digital milk weight monitors

Direct Load Producers need Accurate Information about how much milk was produced for sale. However, not all meters measure accurately and weighing scales at the farm or the plant can be out of calibration or affected by conditions. Piper measurement makes sure you always have an accurate record of milk produced for sale.

Temperature monitoring through the load

3. Temperature Issues

Having a load rejected due to over-temperature of the milk proves costly to many Direct Load Producers across the United States every day.

Our Solution | Constant temperature monitoring

Milk arriving at the Plant Over-Temperature is the No. 1 reason for rejected loads from Direct Loading Farms across the United States. Piper AccuStream provides constant temperature monitoring and a temperature alert system to avoid rejected loads

Thorough Cleaning Process on all loads

4. CIP Quality & performance

Poor monitoring of cleaning and quality control can result in issues in the quality of milk.

Our Solution | Optimal cleaning temperature each and every time

When the CIP isn’t long enough or hot enough, quality issues can arise that can directly affect the profitability of your business. Most Direct Load systems don’t monitor operations during CIP. AccuStream monitors, records & reports on CIP performance.

Protect Every Precious Drop

5. Over or under-filling trailers

Overfilling trailers results in a loss of revenue for Direct Load Producers. .

Our Solution | Volume control for overfill

Overfilling trailers literally pours valuable product down the drain. Under filling trailers means using more journeys, and more haulage cost, to carry the same volume of milk. Overfilling or underfilling trailers wastes capacity and costs you money.

Piper Systems 1

Case Study:

  • NY Direct load producer
  • Milk production of 5,400,000 lbs/month.
  • Moved to variable speed sampling, improved SCC by 23% & received an additional quality bonus of $0.20 /cwt
  • Bottom line: Producer receives an additional $10,800 / month

Case Study -


“The Piper System really gives us peace of mind and we can rest easily knowing that our milk is being accurately measured and recorded so that we are getting paid for the all product that we produce here.”


What The Producers Say

"The Piper System allows me to be more efficient with my day, and get on to do the things that I like to do."
Steve Kayhart
Producer & AccuStream Customer, VT
"We get reports of production, shift productivity and CIP. We get alerts for key milking events on the system as well as by email & text. We can even create reports for regulatory requirements."
Dave Temple
Producer & AccuStream Customer, FL
“Having the Piper System has allowed me Peace Of Mind, knowing that the system is at work while I’m not here.”
Tim Kayhart
Producer & AccuStream Customer, VT